At one point in time, the US Passport was one the strongest passports to have that could travel to 174 countries without a visa. As of our 2020 pandemic here’s a list of places Americans can go and their requirements to enter.
Mexico COVID-19 Test: No Other entry Requirements: None.
Aruba COVID-19 Test: Yes. The timing of the test depends on which U.S. state you're arriving from. Travelers arriving from a long list of states with rising COVID-19 infections must get a PCR test 72 hours before their flight. Results must be uploaded 12 hours prior to flight departure when filing out embarkation/disembarkation.
Other entry requirements: Visitors purchase mandatory Aruba Visitors Insurance for $75. The insurance helps cover medical expenses of up to $75,000 for visitors who test positive during their stay. Premiums vary by length of stay and age, with a $15 per person charge for visitors ages 15-75 who stay for seven days. The insurance can ONLY be bought online and must be done within 72 hours of departure.
Barbados COVID-19 test: NO but If you do choose to test submit a test take it within 72 hours and submit the results electronically along with a copy while traveling. Those who don't and arrive from high-risk countries will be tested at the airport, for free, and must remain at the airport or a government-approved facility until the results are available.
Other entry requirements: Travelers must complete an online customs and immigration form that includes personal health information related to COVID-19 at least 24 hours prior to arrival. At the airport, health assessments are conducted and may include temperature checks and interviews. Face masks are required at the airport.
Bermuda COVID-19 test: YES. Negative tests must be taken pre-departure no more than 7 days old. Even with the Negative test you’ll be tested at the airport and REQUIRED to quarantine where you stay until the test are ready, which usually takes 24 hours.
Other entry requirements: Travelers are required to fill out a Bermuda Travel Authorization form and pay $75 that will cover all the required COVID-19 tests while on the island. While in Bermuda, visitors are required to be tested every four, eight, and 14 days, and the appointments will be scheduled automatically. Face masks are required in public.
Dominican Republic COVID-19 test: YES. Travelers ages 5 and older must show proof of a negative PCR test taken no more than five days before arrival. Those who don't provide proof will undergo rapid diagnostic tests at the airport for FREE. Other entry requirements: Health evaluations conducted upon arrival.
COVID-19 test: YES & NO. Travelers from high-risk states must upload a negative PCR test from a College of American Pathologists accredited lab. Travelers ages 12 & older must take it within days of arrival. Other entry requirements: Health evaluations conducted upon arrival. Visitors can only leave their hotels and resorts to visit select "COVID-19 compliant'' tourist attractions and travel there on approved transportation providers. Masks are required at the airport.
Puerto Rico COVID-19 test: YES. A negative test is required 72 hours of arrival. Travelers not willing to undergo a test must quarantine for 14 days. Other entry requirements: Visitors must complete an online travel declaration form and will be presented with an airport exit confirmation number upon receipt of negative COVID-19 test results. Face masks are mandatory in all public areas.
St. Lucia
COVID-19 test: YES. A negative test is required no more than 7 days before arrival. Other entry requirements: Health evaluations conducted upon arrival. Visitors must fill out a pre-arrival registration & may only stay in one approved hotel per visit.
St. Maarten
COVID-19 test: YES. A negative test is required 72 hours of arrival. Children ages 10 and younger are exempt. Other entry requirements: Health evaluations conducted upon. Travelers must complete an online health declaration form. Face masks are mandatory in all public areas.
U.S. Virgin Islands COVID-19 test: YES & NO. Travelers from states with an infection rate of more than 10% are required to present a negative test taken no more than 5 days before arrival in the U.S. territory. Other entry requirements: Travelers must complete an online prescreening. Health evaluations are also conducted upon arrival. Face masks are required at the airport.
COVID-19 test: YES. A negative test is required to be taken within 48 hours of arrival. Travelers not willing to undergo a test must quarantine for 14 days. Other entry requirements: Tourists must provide a receipt upon arrival showing they've paid for accommodation in the country. Documentation will be required at the airport or travelers can save time and upload paperwork in advance. Face masks are required in public.
Turkey COVID-19 test: No. Other entry requirements: Masks are mandatory in all public areas, and those failing to comply can be subject to a $130 fine.
United Arab Emirates COVID-19 test: YES. All travelers must present a negative COVID-19 test no more than 96 hours old upon arrival. Children under the age of 12 and those with certain disabilities are exempt. Upon arrival, some visitors may be tested again at the airport if they're suspected of having the virus.
With the increase/decrease of COVID the requirements are subject to change any day. Before traveling be sure to check these countries tourism board/government website.
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